How to Craft the Perfect Script

A great video script should be well-structured, simple, read aloud for flow, and kept concise for maximum impact

A video’s script is its backbone, holding everything together and communicating your message to your audience. Here are our top 4 tips for crafting the perfect script.


Tip 1: Structure

Hook your audience from the start, introduce what’s going to take place in your video, and then get into the content. This simple formula works for almost every type of video. If you have multiple talking points or steps to follow, use sign-post language like “step 1” or “firstly” to guide your audience through the journey. For videos over 30-60 seconds long, a clear structure is essential.

Tip 2: Keep Your Language Simple

Scripts are not the place to show off your extensive vocabulary. Aim for a reading level suitable for a fifth grader (around 11 years old). Keep your language simple, avoid excessive jargon, and use short sentences. Just because you understand all the industry jargon in your script doesn’t mean your audience will.

Tip 3: Read It Out Loud

We speak differently than we write, so ensure your script sounds the way you intend by reading it aloud. This will help you keep your writing casual and identify any sentences that might be tricky to say on camera.

Tip 4: Keep It Short

Edit out any unnecessary parts of your script. This will make your video more succinct and stay on point, and it will be easier for your talent, who often isn’t a professional, to deliver the lines effectively.


And that's a wrap on scripting success! Crafting the perfect script might seem daunting, but with these tips, you're well on your way to creating content that not only resonates but captivates. Remember, a great script is the foundation of any memorable video.